Serving Ministries

WIGL Ministry
WIGL stands for Wrapped In God’s Love. The WIGL Ministry makes baby blankets for the Beltway 8 South Crisis Pregnancy Center and the Pregnancy Resource Center East in Baytown to give to expectant moms who come in for counseling. Blankets are made from donated fabric. Sewing skills are not required. We need people to cut fabric. Knitted or crocheted blankets are also appreciated. A group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 1:00 to cut, iron and sew at 17629 El Camino Real Blvd. Suite 100, Houston TX 77058 (at the offices of Help Our Military Endure).
Our SUNSHINE MEAL MINISTRY provides meals for others in the congregation when they are sick, have had surgery, new baby or other needs. To sign up for this group, please contact the main office at 281-488-0900